




      Shanghai Kailai Secov was established in 1993. It has two core R&D and production bases in Central China and East China, and ten ODM shared production bases. It produces 100 million square meters of modified asphalt membranes, 10 million square meters of colored asphalt tiles, 50 million square meters of polymer waterproof materials, and 200,000 tons of waterproof coatings annually. It is one of the top 20 well-known brands in China's waterproofing industry. It was rated as a demonstration project of the industrial Internet platform of the supply chain/industrial chain of the waterproof building materials industry in 2023 by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It is an ARMOR waterproofing system provider that integrates the research, production, sales, construction, and technical consulting services of waterproof membranes, waterproof coatings, home decoration waterproof materials, plugging and sealing materials, asphalt tiles, road and bridge waterproof materials, and waterproof construction equipment.


       It has 12 major brands including Kailai, SECOV, Lehuo, Yining, Yining Ju, and Leak Sealing Alliance. It has a first-class qualification for national waterproof, anti-corrosion, and insulation engineering, and its sales network covers 600 cities in China. It has served more than 30000 projects and has won 32 national patents, 8 Shanghai achievement appraisals, 4 Shanghai science and technology achievement awards, national inspection free products, high-tech enterprises and other honors. It has participated in the compilation of 31 national standards and atlas, and has passed QMS EMS、ELASTIMOLD、CTC、OHSAS、CE、 Certification of management systems such as intellectual property, EnMS, and green products.


公司以呵護(hù)人類建筑安全為己任,通過“一個(gè)電話,所有事情我來辦”和“360度品控,全程品質(zhì)可追溯”來踐行防水全程無憂的承諾。本著“鏈接”、 “共享”、“互為主體,共生成長”的經(jīng)營理念,為防水及相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)提供數(shù)字增效服務(wù);公司發(fā)展立足上海,面向全球,產(chǎn)品遠(yuǎn)銷美國、俄羅斯、?本、吉布提、?來西亞、?洲??、孟加拉、科威特、越南、?撾等國家和地區(qū)。

The company takes human building safety as its responsibility and fulfills its commitment to worry free waterproofing throughout the entire process through "one phone call, I handle everything" and "360 degree quality control, traceable quality throughout the process". Based on the business philosophy of "linking", "sharing", and "mutual subjectivity, symbiotic growth", we provide digital efficiency services for waterproofing and related industries; The company's development is based in Shanghai and faces the world. Its products are exported to countries and regions such as the United States, Russia, Japan, Djibouti, Malaysia, Africa, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Vietnam, and Laos.
      Good waterproof, choose Kailai!



保亭| 河东区| 鹿泉市| 腾冲县| 屯门区| 报价| 离岛区| 青神县| 桂东县| 新建县| 林州市| 花垣县| 卢湾区| 哈密市| 湘阴县| 丽水市| 庆城县| 喀喇沁旗| 合山市| 色达县| 太仆寺旗| 淮滨县| 平果县| 广西| 肃北| 环江| 恭城| 甘泉县| 巴马| 金塔县| 加查县| 桂阳县| 余江县| 昌黎县| 高尔夫| 钦州市| 三亚市| 达拉特旗| 安顺市| 广宗县| 龙井市|